Movie Title: Cirque du Freak : The VAMPIRE'S ASSISTANT
Language: English
Release Date : 23-Oct-2009
Movie Duration : 109 mins
Genre : Fantasy-Adventure
This is a tale of a teen boy, Darren, who unknowingly get himself involved in a 200 yrs old truce between two vampire clans. It all began when he invited himself into a Freak Show and stole something from a vampire named Larten Crepsley. Tale twisted here and there where it ends up Crepsley turned him into something bloodthirsty in order to save his best friend.
Official Website
Ayashi's Review
Ratings: 6.5/10
If you like Harry Porter, then this may be your type of movie. At least I find it better than Harry Porter. While doing research, I'm surprise this is also illustrated in J-manga. You may view online manga from here ...
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (EN)
The Tooth Fairy (EN)
Movie Title: TOOTH FAIRY
Language: English
Release Date : 15-Jan-2010
Movie Duration : 102 mins
Genre : Comedy / Fantasy
Derek Thompson (The Rock) is a hockey player, not believing in any children fairy tale. One night, after an argument with his girlfriend with regards of tooth fairy tale that the daughter was so believing in, Derek was summoned into the heavenly tooth fairy fantasy world. He was punished to carry out tooth fairy duties for not believing and being dream crusher to children's hope. And the comedy starts ...
Official Website
Ayashi's Review
Ratings: 8/10
Disney-like kids movie type. But funny movie that will not regret watching in cinema.
Movie Title: AVATAR
Language: English
Release Date : 10-Dec-2009
Movie Duration : 162 mins
Genre : Adventure / Magical / Romance
Human soldiers & scientists travelled through space and set foot in the Planet - Pandora. Reason is they had found a valueable type of mineral called unobtanium. Thus, the birth of project hoping to negiotiate and persuade the Na'vi (inhabitants of Pandora), so that they shall move allowing for human's excavating purposes. Scientists grow Na'vi-human hybrid bodies called "Avatars" where it can be operated via mental link by genetically matching humans. With such, negiotiation will be easier.
The patrogonist - Jake Sully joined into this mission, in place of his belated twin brother, also with the award of getting his legs back if successful in this Gov't mission. The mission main objective is learn Na'vi inhabitants way of life, relocate them for humans and eventually to negiotiate. Basically, a spy. Otherwise war shall commence. However, in midst of his mission, Jake find himself in love with the Pandora mystical environment and their way of life. His mission objective is in blurry view to him now. What will he do?
Official Website
Ayashi's Review
Ratings: 7.5/10
The story, effects, actings - all look good to me. Truly enjoy this movie. Even better if it's with 3-D effect.
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